Minggu, 08 September 2013

Geothermal Energy is a Future Alternative Energy

Tri Rani Puji Astuti, Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia.

This paper has been written for partial fulfillment of criteria for SPE Java Scholarship

SPE Java Scholarship Section, 2010-2011


Energy is the important thing in human life in the world. Technology  is needed for energy usage. The technology of energy is a technology which is related to various components starting from sources, construction, saving, energy conversion, and the usage for the human needs. In the future, human civilization requires some researches and the development for the source of alternative energy. Nowadays, the usage level of energy fossil will cause the energy crisis. To solve this problem, many companies which run in energy industry try to find several ways to create some renewable energies. In fact, this problem solving runs very slow, and therefore the public realized that the resistance of energy is very important.


One of the alternative energy which is developed in Indonesia is geothermal energy. Geothermal is a sources of heat energy which is contained in hot water, steam and rocks, and its exisity companied  by several minerals and other gases in one system which can't be separated during these occurences. Generally, the geothermal sources are associated with volcanic and also as a effect of geothermal gradient. Until at the end of year 2009, had been known that at least 265 locations of geothermal source in entire Indonesia which have 28,1 Gwe potential, Most of  these potentials are assosiated with the volcanic ring and also can be developed commercially for the electricity reactor.

Geothermal energy is a green energy if it's compared with kinds of fossil energy, and if it's developed, so that it will reduce the hazards of green house effect which cause global warming. The source of geothermal energy will never be exhausted because the forming process is always running as long as the environment condition can be balanced. And because the geothermal energy can't be exported, so the usage of this energy will be guided to cover all domestic electricity needs.

Now, the usages of electricity reactor just have reached 1189 Mwe or about 4% of overall potentials. All of the geothermal system type which have been used are volcanic, caldera, and volcanic cone-graben. It means that using of geothermal energy production will produce the power. The power can be used for electricity because it uses the heat source directly. So, the geothermal energy will be a main and vital alternative energy, because it can reduce the usage of energy fossil in Indonesia. Beside that, the fossil fuel value is going down and it can give more values for optimalization of using many kinds alternative energies in Indonesia.


Generally, the energy source in Indonesia comes from fossil energy (oil, gas, and coal) which are not renewable where the values are going down. Although the usage of fossil based-energy, especially coal can cause pollution in huge value. Therefore, the Indonesia Government is required to develope the new energy which can replace the fossil energy usage in the future.

The position of Indonesia Archipelago is located among three huge plates (Eurasia, Hindia, Australia, and Pacific), and it makes Indonesia has complex tectonic setting. Subduction between continental plate and oceanic plate will produce a magma melting as s partial melting in crust rock and magma will be differed during its way to the surface. This process will produce magma chamber (silisic/basaltic) which makes ring of fire forming. The volcanic rings and its tectonic activity appear in some parts of Indonesia, and it's been concepted as a concept of geothermal system in Indonesia. Because of that, 40% of the geothermal potential is located in Indonesia.


The potential alternative energy of Indonesia is geothermal. The basic of geothermal energy is heat from the center of earth. Hot water and steam which are produced in the earth can be used to provide the electricity. So that, the geothermal energy is a renewable energy because heat is produced continously in the earth and the rainfall refills the water.

The usage of geothermal energy for electrical reactor can be applied by drilling the area which has a potential of geothermal. The gas will come out from the drilling hole and it can be used to heat the boiler, so the steam can generate the turbine which is connected to a generator. So, geothermal energy can be converted to become electricity energy. The geothermal reservoir can be classified into two kinds; low temperature (<150˚C) and high temperature (>150˚C). The best type which can be used as a source of electrical power reactor is the high temperature. But, based on technology development, the low temperature geothermal source also can be used if the temperature is more than 50˚C.

In fact, the usage of geothermal energy in Indonesia is still less. Whereas this energy system has several better advantages than the fossil energy, because it's a green energy and it can reduce polutions of fossil fuel using. Then this energy is a renewable energy because the heat can be produced again and again in the earth. And it also can give economic benefit locally. As an example in Kamojang, the electricity has been distributed from PLTP PGE. Beside that, one of the innovation which had been developed is an electrical capsule which had been distributed to Bali. So, if the geothermal can be developed, the local area will get electricity distribution from PLTP in the local area. It's just like a regional distribution of an area where produces the geothermal energy. Hopefully, by the development of the geothermal energy can reduce the electricity cost in Indonesia. Even Indonesia can improve the coorporation with foreign investor to plant their financial capital for another electricity production. So the electricity production will not be dominated by PLN in Indonesia. But this energy also has several problems such as; very expensive installation cost, unreachable location and infrastructure. However, the government can make a deal of all these problems.


With the rich-volcanic in Indonesia, the geothermal energy can be an alternative energy which can be developed significantly to replace the fossil fuel which is going down on its values. With all the advantages and weakness of this energy, the geothermal can anticipate the energy crisis in Indonesia. Not only that, with this PLTP existency can create a possitive competition among electricial provider, so there will not be a monopoly system.

*Essay ini ditulis untuk memenuhi kualifikasi beasiswa Society of Petroleum Engineers Java Section 2010-2011. Essay pertama kali yang saya buat ketika duduk di semester 4. Semoga bermanfaat :) 

Sabtu, 07 September 2013

Society of Petroleum Engineers Java Section Scholarship 2011

Hello readers, long time no write! 

Maklum saja penulis sedang berjuang untuk menyelesaikan riset untuk tesis. Berhubung ada waktu kosong, tiba-tiba saat ini saya teringat mengenai Society of Petroleum Engineers Java Section Scholarship 2011. Untuk itu saya ingin membagi pengalaman ketika mencoba peruntungan untuk mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut.

Baik saya akan menjelaskan sedikit profil mengenai SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers) yang merupakan salah organisasi internasional terbaik yang bergerak di bidang minyak dan gas bumi. Organisasi ini memiliki anggota-anggota yang terdiri atas kalangan profesional dan mahasiswa. Biasanya kalangan profesional ini bekerja di bidang industri perminyakan, sedangkan untuk mahasiswanya sendiri biasanya kuliah di jurusan yang berhubungan dengan energi (Teknik Perminyakan, Teknik Geologi, Teknik Kimia, dan Geofisika). Society of Petroleum Engineers Student Chapter (SPE SC) inilah yang dikembangkan di universitas-universitas yang memiliki jurusan terkait. SPE SC di Indonesia sendiri dibagi menjadi 3 section, yaitu: Java Section, Kalimantan Section, dan Sumatra Section. Salah satunya adalah SPE SC UGM yang merupakan bagian dari SPE SC Java Section.

Selain menjadi wadah mahasiswa untuk berorganisasi, SPE sangat aktif mengadakan acara konferensi yang diikuti oleh kalangan profesional dan mahasiswa, smart competition, POD (Plan of Development), pemberian beasiswa, dan acara perkumpulan seluruh pengurus SPE SC di Indonesia. Dengan adanya seluruh kegiatan tersebut, mahasiswa menjadi termotivasi untuk berprestasi baik di dalam akademik maupun di dalam organisasi. Beasiswa SPE itu sendiri diberikan kepada mahasiswa yang menjadi pengurus ataupun hanya sebagai anggota SPE SC masing-masing universitas di setiap section. 

Saat itu saya sangat tertarik dengan beasiswa tersebut karena seleksinya sangat berbeda dengan beasiswa lain yang pernah saya ikuti. Berikut adalah beberapa aturan dan kualifikasi yang harus dipenuhi mahasiswa untuk mengikuti beasiswa ini, diantaranya adalah:
1. IPK > 3.25
2. Anggota atau pengurus SPE SC masing-masing universitas.
3. Membuat essay yang berhubungan dengan tema yang sudah disediakan oleh panitia (full in english).
4. Mempresentasikan hasil tulisan di depan pewawancara yang notabene adalah profesional di industri perminyakan. 

Pada saat itu, tema essay mengenai energi terbarukan. Saya menulis mengenai energi panas bumi yang memang sedang dikembangkan di beberapa negara. Hal yang sangat mendasari saya untuk menulis mengenai energi panas bumi karena Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang memiliki 40% penyebaran gunung api di dunia (ring of fire). Pada saat itu saya masih duduk di semester 4 yang notabene belum mendapatkan mata kuliah mengenai Geologi Panas Bumi. Namun, energi terbarukan bukanlah hal yang awam bagi dunia energi sehingga banyak seminar-seminar yang mengangkat tentang tema tersebut. Mengandalkan artikel-artikel dan berbagai jurnal mengenai energi panas bumi, saya menjadi yakin untuk menulis essay tersebut.

Semua harus dicoba. Ya, itulah yang ada di otak saya. Saat kita tidak pernah mencoba, kita tidak tahu seberapa hebat kemampuan kita. Semua essay ditulis full in english. Bermula dari mengumpulkan paper, jurnal, dan berbagai artikel mengenai energi panas bumi, kemudian essay yg saya buat pun jadi. Tantangan tidak berhenti pada pembuatan essay saja, namun saya harus mempresentasikan di depan ketua panitia SPE  Java Section Scholarship, Bapak Teddy Komarudin dari Pertamina. Presentasi dilakukan di Quality Hotel, Yogyakarta. Pak Teddy Komarudin membuka wawancara dengan pertanyaan sekitar perkuliahan, organisasi, dan keluarga. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pertanggungjawaban essay saya mengenai energi panas bumi. Sempat agak grogi karena seluruh kegiatan tersebut dilakukan dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Bukan tidak bisa, bukan. Hanya saja, sedikit kaku dan ini pengalaman pertama kali saya mencoba peruntungan beasiswa dengan metode kualifikasi seperti ini. Secara keseluruhan presentasi berjalan lancar.

Satu bulan kemudian pengumuman beasiswa SPE Java Section Scholarship 2011 pun keluar. Alhamdulillahnya saya diterima dan mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut. Setiap universitas hanya dipilih 5 mahasiswa yang berhak mendapatkan beasiswa tersebut. Kalau rezeki tidak akan kemana. Dengan bermodalkan essay yang saya buat, saya bisa mendapatkan Rp 7.000.000,- dari beasiswa tersebut. Thanks God! Beasiswa tersebut adalah beasiswa terbesar yang pernah saya dapatkan. Setelah pengumuan tersebut, seluruh penerima beasiswa SPE  Java Section  Scholarship 2011 dikumpulkan untuk makan bersama di Hotel Mulia, Jakarta dengan pejabat-pejabat SPE Java Section yang notabene merupakan orang-orang hebat di industri perminyakan. Saya juga bertemu dengan teman-teman dari ITB, Trisakti, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, dan UI.

Pengalaman yang sangat luar biasa. Bagi saya "Hidup tanpa impian sama halnya dengan berjalan tanpa tujuan". Karena itu saya selalu berani untuk mengukir suatu impian besar dalam hidup walau sepertinya sulit untuk diwujudkan. Namun, satu hal yang saya percaya "Setiap usaha/kerja keras yang dilakukan dengan kesungguhan dan doa tidak akan pernah ada yang sia-sia".

Terimakasih SPE International dan SPE UGM SC atas pengalaman berorganisasi kurang lebih 3 tahun ini. Kerja bareng, konferensi, lomba-lomba, gathering, dan semua aktivitas yang saya rindukan sampai hari ini.

Salam Semangat,
